Saturday 22 October 2011

And so it begins....

Hello, fellow foodies, and welcome!

My great love affair with food began many years ago when I received a wondrous gift.  It was teal green in colour and contained more magic than I had ever known.  My parents gave me an Easy Bake Oven on Christmas and I was completely mesmerized by this diminutive oven that could bake a cake with a light bulb.  The small cake pans, spoons, rolling pin, and bowls were like a little piece of heaven and I was delighted to be cooking all by myself!

In no time at all I had blown through the few packages of cake mixes that came with the set and then set about hounding my mother for portions of her cake batter.  Bless my father for eating all the my tiny concoctions, some more palatable than others!  Little did I know that my Kenner Easy Bake Oven would plant the seed of my future and be such a guiding light in my young years.

Today, I have several ovens, all much larger than that lovely teal green plastic toy, but I still get the same thrill when I pull out my latest masterpiece!  There is something meditative and joyous about cooking.  It satisfies my creative side, my scientific side, and my playful side.  Of course, I also love the eating side!  When a recipe has just the right balance of flavours, colours, and textures, all is right with the world.

And so, this blog, entitled Ode To My Easy Bake Oven, will be devoted to all things food in my life. I intend to share with you my love of food and love of life, and you will soon discover that I am definitely in the "lives to eat" group.

Bon Appetit!

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